For the past few weeks my dance group have been working very hard to get our dance ready for our production. We have been struggling with choreography but now I am proud to say that my group /iframe> have worked through it and have finished! Getting ready for this production has been a roller coaster, my group has been hit by deadlines but we have pulled through and finished them.
Over the Term the teachers has been teaching us about elements in dance, from these session we have been given groups to create dances. My group at the start were fighting and weren't really working together. By now we have brought our heads together and thought a plan out to help us work well with each other. I am very proud of my group and I can't wait to see what we look like next week.
Although the production is next week I am very excited to see the all the dances as one, all groups have been working very hard to get finished. The teachers are now just tweaking a few of the dances to make them better and easier to transition off them.
Have you ever been pressured as a group to get something done??