It is now week 4 and it has gone very quickly, I didn't want it to go too fast because I have speeches just round the corner and I am very worried because I am practicing at the moment and honestly it's not going too great. Some of my friends are still writing theirs speeches and we only have about 4 days till be present them, I really feel for them so I'm giving them a few pointers to help with their stress.
This Term my school has decided to do the Koru games, I mean I'm not the greatest at sport but I gotta try something new. I signed up for volleyball but after I reviewed all the games of volleyball I have played, it's a really bad idea to play (i'll be a big mess, I really feel for the people in my team.) This Term so far is pretty fun, can't wait for all the other exciting activities we will be doing throughout the Term though!!
What have you doing this Term at your school?
Despite your nerves Charlotte you performed very well in the speeches making it through to the Rotary Speech Semi-Finals. It also also good to change up some of the subjects each term otherwise it gets boring for everyone. What sort of digital learning object could you have added to this blog? Maybe the recording of your speech or the YouTube clip of the Maori myth that we are retelling for our production? Remember that a full stop comes after the bracket.