Monday, 21 May 2018

Saturday Netball

On Saturday my team and I had a netball game. I thought that we were not going to play very well because we had just had the Caritas challenge that night and we had like no sleep. It made it even more difficult that we were versing a very hard team because we were in the top grade. We all got there early because we had to warm up before the game and wake up. We ran up and down the court a few times and we did some drills before the game. It was really annoying that one of our players was away so I had to play the whole game centre. It was really tiring the first quarter because my legs felt like jelly and I couldn't feel them. In the first quarter we did horrible and we were losing 10 - 2. In the end of the game we lost 17 - 14. It was a really good improvement and I was really proud of my team because we were all tired. I was quite happy that I played my best and in the end we had two player of the days and I think that they deserved it.

Have you ever done something when you were really tired??

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