It is now the first day of term two, we have just had a two week holiday before going back to school. Through the holidays I have enjoyed hanging out with my mates and having a laugh. In the first week me and my friends were a bit busy throughout the week so we only hung out on Friday.
Me and my friends organised to go ice skating but we didn't realise how long it took to get there from my place until we arrived twenty minutes early. As we waited in line, we talked about how excited we were to go ice skating again, I know I was. Throughout the time waiting in line we kept asking Liana what time it was, I think that she was pretty annoyed by the end of it.
It was finally time to go in and man it was freezing, I was only wearing long pants and a t - shirt in the freezing cold climate. We grabbed our skates and we started skating. It felt really weird to be on the ice, so for the start I went slowly, behind me was Liana struggling to stand up. Me I was just laughing at her because she looked really funny wobbling around, then she fell over and that cracked me up I almost fell over. Then I started getting the hang of it and I was a pro, I felt pretty cool and then Liana fell over again, this was her third time in about ten minutes. Yet me and Anna hadn't fallen over yet, I wondered how many times she will fall over with in the next 2 hours.
We all ended up splitting up but ending back together, it had been about an hour before there was the speed skate, first of all I didn't think that I was fast but when I saw the competition it changed, I went out on the ice and I felt amazing. Everyone was looking at me and I felt free, when it was over we went back to our normal speeds and I fell over, me and my friends were holding hands before we turned and Liana fell over and I fell with her. The next activity was spin the bottle and with that we all spread out across the sides and when the bottle hit us we would get a prize unfortunately none of us got it. We skated around for 20 minutes until there was a new activity and it was a dance competition, me and Anna joined in while Liana was on the side. We did the dance to YMCA, I forgot that I was in skates when I jumped in the skates and landed smack on my bum. It really hurt, once the dance competition had finished the guy came over and gave Anna a ticket for free candy floss. The speaker came on and they told us to get off the ice but Anna didn't want to get off so she kept doing rounds of the ice.
Then we left to go buy some food for the night, we went to the super market and bought a lot of food. It was funny because we were walking around with a massive trolley with just junk food in it. We got home and we started eating but we couldn't eat too much because we were having fish 'n' chips for tea. It took a while for us to choose our movie but in the end we chose Barbie and the twelve dancing princess, it was a very emotional movie but it had a happy ending. When we finished the movie we realised that we had gone through half the food, so we ran outside and danced like the princesses in the movie. It was very dark and I think I fell on the ground more than I was standing up. After that we went back inside and we chose another movie, we watched a movie that had cheer leading in it and that inspired me and Anna to create a cheer for our school. While we created the cheer Liana was sitting on the couch just watching us.
This was one of the fun activities I a had with my friends but throughout the holidays I have more fun.
What did you do in the holidays?
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Hi Charlotte, good to hear that you had a great holiday and tried ice skating. However, that is not something that you would see me doing with my holidays as I spend more time falling over than I do skating.